dimarts, 9 d’octubre del 2012

French kiss

ACTIVITY 1: The plot

Kate and Charlie wanted to get married and buy a house. They were about to fly to Paris but Kate was afraid of flying. When he arrives, he fell in love with another woman, Juliette, and Kate decided to go there. On the plane she met Luc, a French man and they talked all the flight. When they landed, Kate was still sleeping when Luc, put a plant with a stolen necklace in her bag. They separate each other and Kate went to his ex-boyfriend's hotel. She couldn't get the room of him so she decided to sit down on a sofa. After a few minutes, a strange man sat with her. They started to talk and suddenly Kate saw Charlie with Juliette going down on the lift, immediately she fainted. When she woke up her bags weren't there, just Luc was there. She described that strange man to Luc and he recognized him, so they went to his house (It was important for Luc because his necklace was still there).When they were there the strange (Bob) said that he had given Kate's clothes to his girlfriend but Luc found the plant. Luc and Kate separated again but when Luc opened the plant his necklace wasn't there. He thought that it was still in Kate's bag. Then Kate took a train and Luc too, they were going to Nice(where Charlie and Juliet were). He was trying to look into her bag all the time. In a Kate’s dream, accidentally they kissed. The next morning they sat together to have breakfast and Kate reminded that she is lactose intolerant so they had to stop because she felt ill. She threw up all the food and it was still two hours for the next train. Meanwhile they were waiting for the train, they went around Luc's town. There, she discovered that he is in trouble with his brother (he stole his wallet and run away) and he wants to buy a vinyard, but first them had to sell a thing, which he had lost, the necklace. They had lunch in there too. Then, they returned to the train and Kate showed him that she had it. They arrived to Nice and when they were going to have lunch Kate saw Charlie with Juliette and her family, planning their wedding. She met them at the beach and sit to talk with them too, including Charlie. Suddenly, when Kate sat on a bank, a police man told her that the necklace was stolen, so she had to give to them. That same night, she met Charlie for dinner and Luc met Juliette, every couple went to a room and kissed, but Kate said no and Luc too. Then Kate went to Cartier to take her money and there she gave the necklace to the police. After, Kate gives the money to Luc and says that that money was the price of the necklace. 
Kate decided to return to Canada, but Luc goes to the plane to met her and say that he wants her with him, in France. Then, with the money they bought a house in front of the vinyard that Luc wanted to buy. They lived their lives together.
ACTIVITY 2: The Characters

KATE (MEG RYAN): She is the main character. She has short blond hair. She is quite short. She is lactose intolerant. She falls love with Charlie and she starts an adventure in Paris to get Charlie back. In Paris she met with a handsome man, his name Luc. After a few days, she falls love with Luc.

LUC TEYSSIER (KEVIN KLINE): Luc is a French man and he has a big moustache and long dark hair. He loves the wine and the vineyard. He's dream is to buy a big house and have a big vine. He has a big problem with the police, because he stole a necklace and he has other problems with his brother.

husband but he is following love with a French woman, Juliette. He is a Toronto's doctor. He has short black hair and he's quite handsome. He's always wearing a modern dress.

JULIETTE (SUSAN ANBEH): She is a French woman. She is falls love with Charlie. She is going to get married with him. She has long brown hair and she always wears expensive and modern dress. She hates Kate and at the end she is falls in love with Charlie.

BOB (FRANCOIS CLUZET): He is an strange man who takes Kate's bag when she is faint. Luc and Kate's going to find him, at the end they find he and the bag but no Kate's passport and Bob's necklace.

INSPERCTOR JEAN-PAUL CARDON (JEAN RENO): He is a policeman. He tries to find Luc and the necklace, because Luc stool it. When he saw the story with Luc and Kate he helps their.


LUC                                                               CHARLIE
French man                                                  Toronto's man
He is fallin love with Kate                          He is fall in love with Julliette
He is comprehensive                                   He is a bad man
He has a moustache                                    He hasn't a moustache

JULIETTE                                                   KATE
She is very beautiful                                  She is quite beatiful
She has dark hair                                       She has blond hair
She has long hair                                        She has short hair
She is fall in love with Charlie.                 She is fall in love with Luc

ACTIVITY 3: Imagine you are one of the characters 

Hi, I'm Kate and I'm from Canada. I'm engaged with Charlie. He is my husband. I'm afraid of flying by plane, but one day I must do that. Charlie was in Paris for work, but one day he called me and explained to me that he met another girl and that he was in love with her. I was sad. Charlie said that he had found the true love with her. So I flew to Paris because I wanted to talk with him about that. When I got on the plane I met a strange man, but funny and handsome too. His name Luc. During the entire route, we were talking. And when we arrived and got off the plane, he helped me to fine Charlie. After that, I met Charlie and we talked about us. Finally I decided to let him go. So, right now I'm in love with Luc and we're living in France, in a big house next to vineyard.

ACTIVITY 4: Camera...action!

LUC: OK, So I try to understand.
LUC: He tells you he has met this woman.
LUC: No, this...goddess.
LUC: He beaks your heart. He Hu...
KATE: Hurts me. Humbles me.

LUC: Humiliates you.
KATE: Humiliates me.
LUC: OK, and then you come here to Paris so that he can do it again but this time right in your face.
KATE: NO, No. I come to Paris to get back the man that I love. Is htat so hard to understand, even for a person like you?
LUC: OK, andmeanwhile his lover...
KATE: D'ont ever use that word again.
LUC: This bastard woman, she's fellin something else, maybe?
KATE: Once he saw me, myself, moi, everything, would change, the spell would be broken.